A while back, I blogged about a pattern of accessing API’s with .NET’s HttpClient. In practice, one problem with .NET’s HttpClient is that it doesn’t provide any insight regarding Http redirects.
Ramblings of a software developer..
posted on July 27, 2016 by long2know in ASP.NET
A while back, I blogged about a pattern of accessing API’s with .NET’s HttpClient. In practice, one problem with .NET’s HttpClient is that it doesn’t provide any insight regarding Http redirects.
posted on July 18, 2016 by long2know in angular, ASP.NET, Core, JavaScript
In continuing to build upon my previous project to get Angular2 working with Visual Studio 2015, I’ve been playing with routing and components.
While routing and components are very different when compared to Angular v1, it’s still pretty straight forward to get a basic application up and running.
posted on July 12, 2016 by long2know in ASP.NET, Core
In the solution that I’m migrating to ASP.NET Core, I have a domain project that uses System.Web’s HttpContext. Since System.Web is not part of .NET Core, I had to figure out how one gets the current user’s identity within a domain class.
posted on July 11, 2016 by long2know in ASP.NET, Core
With OWIN and .NET 4.6.x, it was pretty straight forward to enable SSL (TLS), and redirect all requests to the HTTPS end-point with Visual Studio’s tooling (IIS Express). It’s not quite as straight forward to accomplish this in .NET Core.
posted on July 11, 2016 by long2know in ASP.NET, Core, Microsoft, Middleware, Security
After using OWIN for months for basic OAuth authentication, it’s apparent that Microsoft is abandoning OWIN . This isn’t necessarily a bad thing. .NET Core is built on a similar structure as that which was implemented in OWIN. Essentially, we have a familiar middleware pipeline.
posted on July 7, 2016 by long2know in ASP.NET
Some of Microsoft’s built-in code generation/tooling is really janky. One such example is the code generator that will produce service references and proxy classes from a SOAP WSDL definition. I’ve never liked this particular feature of Visual Studio. The service classes themselves don’t play nicely with injection, behave strangely with instantiation, scoping, singleton patterns, and are generally so .NET 1.1…
posted on July 6, 2016 by long2know in ASP.NET, Core, Entity Framework
Since my foray into utilizing .NET Core to port an older CRUD app using Angular 1.x and Entity Framework 6.x, my first stumbling block is dealing with breaking changes between EF 6.x and newer versions of EF.
posted on July 6, 2016 by long2know in angular, ASP.NET, Core
Last night, I was playing with the latest .NET Core tooling in Visual Studio 2015 and decided to create an Anuglar2 application. It is not a straight-forward process. Additionally, most tutorials that you will see floating around don’t deal with Angular2 RC4 (v.Latest). And the few that do either aren’t Visual Studio 2015 specific or aren’t targeting ES5 as required by IE11 or older.
posted on July 5, 2016 by long2know in angular, JavaScript, react, redux, Web
I’ve been reading up on Angular2, Redux, React and other various libraries and frameworks over the weekend.
I’m in the process of understanding what using Redux w/ an Angular2 app provides that using a singleton service doesn’t. But, it seems to be more about preference (imho) than real-world benefit. It may help tie into observable / push notifications to make state change detection between immutable / mutable objects more performant. However, I can see a benefit if one wants to swap out frameworks and allow their previous state management work across frameworks. It’s an interesting prospect from that perspective.
posted on June 30, 2016 by long2know in JavaScript, Microsoft
Earlier, I wanted to play around with Angular CLI, but my npm and node versions were out of date. The Angular CLI npm install would fail.
Fortunately, there is a straight-forward update method.
On github, the Microsoft team has placed a method for updating node through PowerShell:
I was happy to stumble upon this on Github. After using the script in the recommended fashion, from an elevated PowerShell console, the Angular CLI npm installer worked without a hitch.
Set-ExecutionPolicy Unrestricted -Scope CurrentUser -Force npm install --global --production npm-windows-upgrade npm-windows-upgrade