Within a new project I’ve been working on, I needed to be able to handle Routes dynamically in Angular. Primarily, this was driven on authorization. Due to this aspect, authentication had to occur first and that’s where the fun began.
More Linkposted on July 29, 2020 by long2know in angular
Within a new project I’ve been working on, I needed to be able to handle Routes dynamically in Angular. Primarily, this was driven on authorization. Due to this aspect, authentication had to occur first and that’s where the fun began.
More Linkposted on May 15, 2020 by long2know in angular
Recently I starting playing around with Reactive Forms in Angular 9. One thing that immediately bugged me is that the controls within a form group are not strongly typed/referenced.
More Linkposted on December 18, 2018 by long2know in angular, Core
It’s been a while since my last blog post. But, I found some time over the past week to upgrade the previous .NET Core Angular template to Angular 7.
More Linkposted on August 7, 2018 by long2know in angular, Core
Over time, code bases drift away from the latest tooling. If you recall my previous posts about Angular templates for Visual Studio, you may recall I upgraded that template to Angular 5.x. I spent a little time yesterday getting this template upgrade to the latest Angular 6.1.1.
posted on May 9, 2018 by long2know in angular
In case you missed it, Anuglar 6 was released a few days ago. I decided to take one of my primary Angular 5 projects and upgrade it. Man, it was painful ..
posted on March 2, 2018 by long2know in angular
Angular has built-in mechanisms for dealing with unhandled exceptions. In an application, we only need to provide this handler when we want to customize the display and handling of errors.
posted on January 26, 2018 by long2know in angular, plunker
While I was working through my post regarding generically formatting Angular data within a component, another generic implementation that I needed arose. I needed a way to, in a very generic fashion, raise events from a child component to its parent. Within the context of an Angular table, this could typically coincide with a click event that needs to take action, or apply some logic, to the child’s bound data. Event Emitters in Angular readily facilitate this type of functionality.
posted on December 20, 2017 by long2know in angular
A long time ago, I blogged about a service that I used in AngularJS to let the user know that their session is about to expire and that they would be logged out if they didn’t take action. I needed to recreate this functionality in Angular for my latest swath of applications.
posted on December 8, 2017 by long2know in angular, plunker
Since I’m using a lot of Angular Bootsrap components in my Angular apps, now seemed like a good time to revisit the classic Datepicker. The Angular Bootstrap Datepicker is relatively easy to get up and going, but I did run into a few quirks.
posted on November 28, 2017 by long2know in angular, plunker
A while back, I blogged about an Angular Table component that I wrote. Since that time, this component has expanded a fair bit as my application needs grow. Once such feature that I needed recently was the ability to format data dynamically.