Azure added support for Virtual Directories a while back. It’s easy to add a virtual directory. One issue, though, is deploying to those directories since Azure only supports a single Git (or other) source control repository for the web application.
posted on September 29, 2016 by long2know in Azure
Azure added support for Virtual Directories a while back. It’s easy to add a virtual directory. One issue, though, is deploying to those directories since Azure only supports a single Git (or other) source control repository for the web application.
posted on September 26, 2016 by long2know in ASP.NET
For services that I write that repeat a task over a set interval, I generally use a simple repeater loop. For the cases where I needed a bit more granular control of how/when Tasks repeat, I created a simple scheduler with a Fluent API.
posted on September 23, 2016 by long2know in ASP.NET, Core
Using Web.Config (or App.Config) XML files to store and retrieve settings for an application, imho, has always been a bit of a pain. Unless we write quite a bit of custom code, all we really get is a property bag of stings for our custom (user) configurations.
posted on September 22, 2016 by long2know in ASP.NET, Core
In most of my projects over the past two years, I’ve used Log4Net for my logging needs. Log4Net does not work, currently, with .NET Core. However, it’s pretty easy to take advantage of the new built-in logging features to wrap the Log4Net database schema using Entity Framework.
posted on September 17, 2016 by long2know in Android, iOS, Mobile
It’s been a long, long time since I messed around with Google’s push notification messaging. In fact, the last time I played around with it, it was still called “C2DM,” or Cloud to Device Messaging. Since that time, “GCM,” or Google Cloud Messaging was introduced. And even that is superseded by Google’s new Firebase (FCM) messaging. The most recent iteration is very interesting since it’s cross-platform and directly supports iOS, Android, and Web notifications.
posted on September 17, 2016 by long2know in angular
Unless you don’t keep up with Angular development at all, you heard that Angular2 final was released last week. Yesterday, I had an opportunity to update my simple Visual Studio 2015 Basic Routing demo from RC4 to Final. There were breaking changes that had to be resolved.
posted on September 8, 2016 by long2know in ASP.NET
.NET doesn’t have a very good way, that I’m aware of, to limit the number of Tasks/Threads that can be running at a single time. This can create issues where, for example, you are queuing up thousands of jobs that run against a finite set of resources.
posted on September 8, 2016 by long2know in Uncategorized
I use Toggl ( to track my daily time. It’s a nice system that is free with lots of reports and such. However, one report that I needed is not available. Fortunately, there is a nice API available to extract your data as needed.
posted on September 7, 2016 by long2know in ASP.NET, Database, Entity Framework, LINQ
Using LINQ’s FluentAPI, left/outer joins are difficult. With a little work, it’s possible to perform left outer joins, though.