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Client side validation is pretty handy. However, as we all know, you can’t fully trust any data sent to your server from a web client. As such, we generally duplicate validation in both the client and server side scenarios. This isn’t a big problem, but it does create a disconnect when the client validation passes, but then the server validation fails. Even in duplication, I still want server-side validation to play an integral part of the overall user experience.

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In my .NET 4.5 MVC projects, I already have helper methods/extensions that let me determine if a user has access to a particular controller action. This provides a nice mechanism to hide and show buttons, hyperlinks, or other UI action elements based on the authorization attributes that have been defined on the MVC Controller.

However, this is a bit more complicated with ApiControllers.

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As a web developer primarily utilizing .NET for backend server development, and as one who uses Linux for my own hosting environments, Microsoft’s efforts to make .NET 5 cross platform are welcome. Over the Labor Day weekend, I spent a bit of time seeing how I could leverage this to host .NET web applications myself. While I mention Mint Linux, specifically, this guide should apply to any Debian/Ubuntu derivatives.

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Last month, I made a blog post detailing how to use CSS arrows as a progress indicator. I really like this and use it whenever I’m asked to create a wizard-like interface.

However, I discovered, after finally updating from IE9 to IE11 that there is a specific IE11 bug that reared its ugly head.

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In case you hadn’t noticed, I use JsFiddle for most of JavaScript demos and to embed samples into my blog. I like JsFiddle, but it does have a few annoyances.

As a result, I started looking at some alternates.

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Over the weekend, I started moving various source files over to github. Typically, I just use Notepad2 for basic editing and such.

However, after all the good things I read, and have seen, about Visual Studio Code, I finally decided to give it a try as a basic editor.

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Currently, I’m working on a web project that has searchable tables. The layout requires that the search results that is displayed in the table is scrollable. The idea behind this is such that controls to perform search, paging, and other functions on the table are always in view. There are buttons above and below the table.

If you recall my previous post about CSS flex-box, you saw how you can cause elements to grow/shrink as the browser viewport changes. This seemed like an appropriate technique to achieve what is essentially a vertical fluid-layout.

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Making arrow blocks in CSS is pretty easy. You can manipulate the borders of elements, create outlines with overlapping arrows, and other neat things.

One place where I’ve used this is for letting a user visually step through the process of a guided wizard.

Creating, for example, an arrow pointing to the left, we could use a DIV element like so:

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In most of the UI’s I work on lately, it’s necessary to provide start and end date selection. The typical use case is for setting date ranges for searching and storage of effective dates.

Being that these are typically Angular applications, tying into Angular’s form validation makes a lot of sense.

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Mutliselect drop-downs are somewhat of a pain. It’s always nice when things are simple and discrete. But, the world is not simple and discrete. Life isn’t simple and discrete.

I find myself many times in need of a good, general purpose multiselect dropdown with checkboxes. There are many options for multiselect, like select2, but for some reason having discrete checkboxes is generally overlooked. This is where rolling my own came into play.

EDIT: Be sure to check out the updated info. for this directive. https://blog.long2know.com/2016/05/angular-multiselect-dropdown-updated/

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