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The latest tooling in Visual Studio 2017 for .NET Core is pretty good. However, it seemed like built-in templates are a bit lacking. Fortunately, the dotnet sdk, and subsequently the CLI, have libraries available for various Single Page Application framework quick starts.

UPDATE – Also check out my other posts on this topic:

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Long ago, I blogged about integrated SignalR with AngularJS. An interesting behavior that I didn’t touch on was limiting messages being sent to specific clients. This is pretty easy to accomplish.

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A while back, I wrote an application that processes sales information. These sales actually represent a hierarchy of data because there can be refunds, charge backs, charge backs of charge backs, refunds of refunds, adjustments, and so on and so forth. The way the data processing is handled, though, treating the entire hierarchy as a single transaction is important. This requires a bit of recursion.

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In one of my previous posts, I detailed using Table Value parameters. That method works great for my uses. However, I ran into one gotcha worth pointing out.

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One deficiency with Entity Framework is the ability to load data from a stored procedure or a direct query when the column names don’t match your model property names exactly. In one of my previous posts, I detailed how the EF API can be used to retrieve column mappings. These column mappings can be used in conjunction with a SqlDataReader to map a query result, properly, to your EF model.

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In a previous post, I demoed how to use Table Valued Parameters (TVP’s) with EF. This works great, but, if you’ll notice, it only suppports one-column TVP’s with a simple scalar list of values. I expanded this a bit.

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There are a few limitations of Entity Framework 6.x that require various work-arounds. One of those limitations is not being able to take direct advantage of entity mappings that are defined. However, it is possible to utilize Entity Framework’s API’s to retrieve and consume this information.

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In an application that I’m currently working on, that deals with Sales data, there are instances when I need to apply date comparisons relative to a user’s local time. This is an interesting problem with which to deal.

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