Author’s Archive: long2know

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Ninject is one of the better dependency injection frameworks, IMHO. However, within the context of .NET Threads and thread pooling, scoping of objects doesn’t work quite as expected.

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Angular provides some handy mechanisms for dealing with browser history. With these mechanisms it’s straight-forward to handle URL changes through direct user interaction or the browser back/forward buttons.

Typically, when entering an Angular app, you’ll have an abstract route defined and then use the $urlRouterProvider to define a default route. Well, when I say “you,” I should qualify that to say that this is how I typically define states with ui-router.

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I’ve made quite a few posts detailing the use of ui-router. These posts include general menus, tabs, and other “knowledge” of state mechanisms. The one thing missing though is maintaining state, or route, data.

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Continuing our examination of building LINQ expressions, let’s dive further into generic methods that can build expressions for any enumerable list of objects. In part one, I showed how to build a simple string expression, but we can make this much more robust.

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A while back, I needed a simple way to create a table with parent/child details in Angular. ng-repeat has some handy little known features to make creating this type of table easy.

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Earlier today a colleague asked me how one would go about grouping data within an ng-repeat. I had never actually had to do this before, which made it an interesting problem to solve.

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Azure added support for Virtual Directories a while back. It’s easy to add a virtual directory. One issue, though, is deploying to those directories since Azure only supports a single Git (or other) source control repository for the web application.

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For services that I write that repeat a task over a set interval, I generally use a simple repeater loop. For the cases where I needed a bit more granular control of how/when Tasks repeat, I created a simple scheduler with a Fluent API.

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Using Web.Config (or App.Config) XML files to store and retrieve settings for an application, imho, has always been a bit of a pain. Unless we write quite a bit of custom code, all we really get is a property bag of stings for our custom (user) configurations.

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In most of my projects over the past two years, I’ve used Log4Net for my logging needs. Log4Net does not work, currently, with .NET Core. However, it’s pretty easy to take advantage of the new built-in logging features to wrap the Log4Net database schema using Entity Framework.

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